Green Party of California

Application for Member, Delegation to Green Party of the United States (alternate only)
(job description)
received August 11th, 2009

Name  -  Drew Johnson
City - Sunnyvale
County - Santa Clara
Contact information - (408) 773-9036


* Registered Green for about 13 years. Got extremely active as an on-line
activist for abolishment of diebold-style voting machines after 11/02/04.

* For the past 5 years have been very active in new media including
blogging and on-line forums.

* My undergrad degree is from University of Colorado in Political Science.
My internship was in event promotion and PR.

* I've worked as a reporter and editor at a small daily newspaper. I've
done professional technical writing.* I've done years of work on all
aspects of video production work on an award winning public access TV
program re: SF Bay area environmental issues, and I eventually served as
Executive Producer.* I founded and direct a nonprofit focused on Silicon
Valley environmental and quality of life issues.

* I have years of work as a computer professional in Silicon Valley.

* I set up 6 workshops at the Tucson 2006, 2007 and 2009 GP ANM on
Nonviolent Communication (NVC). .They were well attended and received very
positive response, from those that attended. * I would like to see the
party form an allied training network Greens in various aspects of
nonviolence, including Nonviolent Resistance and Nonviolent Communication
among others.

* I created and promoted several Green Party election events including a
press conference for Michael Berg when he recently visited SF to recieve
an award as a "Hero and Champion of Forgiveness".

* I'm working within my county to strengthen our county partys

.* Apponted to Sunnyvale Housing and Human Service Commission