Green Party of California

Application for Alternate, Delegation to Green Party of the United States
(job description)
received February 27, 2011

Name - Lindsay Vurek
City - Oakland
County - Alameda
Contact - (510) 601-9730,


I have been involved with the Green Party since 1990 and was elected to the first Green Party County Council of Alameda County, CA.

I helped create the California Green Party Platform document and was very active in the State Party until about 1995, when I moved away for awhile. I now am somewhat active in the local Green Party.

I am active locally and at both state and federal levels on a number of issues: primarily Food and animal protection, election and major media reform. I also made a feature length film on the longest elected Green Party member in the US -- Dona Spring.

If you would like more information please feel free to contact me.