Green Party of California
General Assembly

September 26th-27th, 2007
San Francisco

Administrative Action for GPCA General Assembly, May 26th-27th, 2006

Confirm Quorum

Sponsor: Coordinating Committee

: Coordinating Committee

: Confirm Quorum

Background and Purpose: GPCA Bylaws governing confirmation of quorum are:

Section 5-4. Quorum

5-4.1 Quorum
A quorum exists for the purpose of opening a meeting when 2/3 (rounding to the nearest whole number) of the regions containing active counties are represented.
5-4.2 Criteria for active county status
For the purposes of this section, an active county shall be defined as fulfilling at least one of the following conditions:

a) The county has a County Council;
b) The county has sent delegates to at least two of the last three meetings;
c) The county has held a General Meeting within the last six months in which at least eight registered Greens were present, and delegates to the General Assembly were chosen. The county must notify the State Coordinating Committee that the General Meeting has taken place.
5-4.3 Quorum for decision-making
A quorum for decision making exists when 80% of registered delegates are present.
a) Delegates shall sign in at the beginning of each session, identifying region and county.
b) Facilitators shall conduct a roll call to establish a quorum at the beginning of each plenary session.

: Confirm Quorum