Post-Plenary 9/21-23/01 Report November, 2001 Green Party of California The Coordinating Committee wishes to thank everyone for attending the general assembly in San Mateo. We also want to give a hardy 'thanks' to the Agenda & Hosting Committees and to the CC for a difficult job well done. The facilities were great and the Plenary well organized and productive. An evaluation by the Hosting Committe as well as a Summary of Decisions made at the Plenary is included at the end of this report. Complete minutes of Plenaries and Working Group and Standing Committee meetings will be found on our Website @ NEXT MEETING One of the decisions made by the general assembly was to confirm that the next general assembly would be a Plenary in Los Angeles Jan. 18-20, 2002. The CC will meet Fri. night, the 18th. STANDING COMMITTEE AND WORKING GROUP ROSTERS are posted to the CC Website, CC VACANCIES There were no CC vacancies filled at this Plenary. Candidate applications for open seats(for Reps or Alternates) must be received in time to be included in the Agenda Packet. CO-SECRETARY TO THE CC VACANCY There is still a pressing need to fill this position. DELEGATES & DUES At the L.A. general assembly in 1998, we established a Credentials Committee to address, among other things, issues involving authenication of delegates. It was decided that all counties should submit their list of assigned delegates before the assembly convenes. We realize that selecting delegates is frequently a last-minute exercise. Even so, please remember to send your list of authorized delegates to any member of the agenda committee before the next assembly. Some counties also select alternate delgates in case one or more regular delegates can't make it at the last minute. Include these alternates in the list you send. Our Treasurer, Mike Wyman would like to remind Locals to pay counties their monthly dues. Remember that we no longer have the income tax check-off that used to fund 75% of our budget. Dues are the greater of either A) 10% of the month's gross margin (Revenue - Costs = Gross Margin), or; B) $5.00. SUBMITTING AGENDA ITEMS All items for the agenda must received by the agenda committee at least 60 days prior to the general assembly, since the goal for sending out the agenda packet is 45 days prior to the assembly. The agenda committee is an ad-hoc group of Coordinating Committee (CC) members responsible for organizing the next general assembly. The Agenda Committee was selected during the Oct., 01 meeting of the CC. Please forward proposed agenda items to the Agenda Committee, which is: Nancy Marmol, Linda Howard & Michael Borenstein (If you have an item you would like included in the agenda packet for the next general assembly (plenary not gathering), please follow these guidelines for agenda packet submittals: PROPOSALS Plan in advance! A proposal that requires an official vote of the Party must first be submitted to the working group (WG) or committee that is likely to deal with that particular issue. WGs and committees are responsible for sponsoring proposals, so they will work with the originator inpreparing the presentation. Be advised that it is the WG's responsibility to determine if the proposal is ready to be presented. When the proposal is ready, it is sent to the agenda committee for inclusion in the agenda packet and scheduling of time. Sometimes a proposal does not seem appropriate for an existing working group or committee. In those cases, send it to the CC through your regional representative, but we would like to keep this to a minimum. Proposals should be written in the established proposal format. A sample of the format is included. CONSENT CALENDAR Simple, straight-forward proposalsūsuch as endorsing a worthy green causeūmay be put on the "consent calendar." This is a list of easily-approved proposals that will be put before the plenary as one, inclusive item. At the plenary, if anyone feels a particular issue in the list needs discussion, it will be pulled from the calendar and assigned to an appropriate WG or Committee. It is up to the agenda committee and the CC to determine if a proposal fits the consent calendar criteria, and it can be pulled from the calendar by any concern at the plenary, so be judicious about what you submit. Submit items for the consent calendar to the agenda committee contacts. ANNOUNCEMENTS There is a limited amount of space in the agenda packet (due to cost constraints) so announcements are not usually included. The agenda does include a general announcement period for people to make brief announcement to the plenary session. Email submittals are preferred. We appreciate your cooperation in following these guidelines. This helps us keep the Green Party running more smoothly. For the Coordinating Committee, Linda Howard, Co-Secretary ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Evaluation Notes - GPCA Green Gathering/Plenary September 21st-23rd, 2001 There were several suggestions for improvements to the September Gathering/Plenary. A couple of the evaluations listed a request for an 'Anti-Twinkle', some kind of silent indication of opposition to what was stated. There were opposing requests made with respect to punctuality; one person suggested that events begin promptly at the stated time, while a couple of others requested more flexibility in the schedule to take current situations into consideration. There were also several requests for some kind of Saturday Night Dinner or Special Event. A handful of people requested that there be a Non-vegetarian/vegan option in the food menu for people with more traditional diets. Several requests were made for Computer/Printer/Internet access during the gathering. Many of the evaluations listed concern over event time conflicts. The concern was that too many interesting events were scheduled at the same time, requiring participants to miss one or more of them. A couple of evaluators suggested that extra agenda packets be made available at the gathering for people who forgot to bring or neglected to print out theirs. Finally, a number of participants requested that from now on, the Plenary and Gatherings be scheduled separately. Non-delegates had very little interest in party business, and a number of the delegates missed out on events as they attended to party matters. There were also a number of compliments for certain aspects and events of this Plenary/Gathering. Many attendees thought that the speakers (Most notably Peter Camejo, Rebecca Kaplan, Donald Aitken, Dan Solnit, and Medea Benjamin) were excellent. There were several positive notes about the Workshops, specifically the Media workshop and the Campaigns and Candidates workshop. Many stated that the discussions about the September 11th tragedy were very emotional and powerful. Those praising these discussions were relieved to be able to express their feelings with a group of people they trusted and admired. Finally, many people raved about the quality and taste of the food. -- /Jo Chamberlain. --------------------------------------------------------- Green Party Statewide San Mateo 2001 Plenary Decisions Summary The following Proposals were passed by the General Assembly: 1-Resolution Against Missile Defense System 2-Reaffirm Liaison to the Secretary of State(Betty Traynor) 3-Create a Green Party Section of the State Elections Code 4-General Assembly Delegate Allocation Change For details see the Plenary Minutes. ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- Green Party Proposal Form PRESENTER (name and Working Group or Committee): CONTACT (name, address, phone number, email): SUBJECT (10 words or less): BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE (100 words or less; include relationship, reasons and/or justification to the GP): PROPOSAL (200 words or less): TIMELINE: RESOURCES (personnel, number and frequency of meetings, projected work hours, finances, etc. Permits/permission needed? Application needed? Insurance required? Any bylaw/platform conflicts?) :