Green Party of California
Housing Transportation Registration Plenary Packet Plenary Info


The GPCA is putting out an all-out call for counties who are interested in hosting state plenaries. We need host counties for the following approximate dates:
  • Summer 2007
  • Fall 2007

You provide the site, the food, and the volunteers; you handle the money; and we provide the program. It's Easy! Whether you're an old or newly organized county -- or even if you have yet to organize, and think that a state plenary will help galvanize your county into action -- we are ready to meet in YOUR town!
We even have a handy-dandy plenary cookbook , prepared by GROW. Check it out! It makes hosting a plenary a no-brainer; and your county can make some money, too.

Preferences are to hold plenaries in northern CA during the summer months and in southern CA during the winter months (or anytime along the coast!).

(Note: Most plenaries take at least 6 months' lead time to plan; more if a suitable site must be found. The farther out you can commit to hosting, the better and easier it will be.)

Contact or if your county or campus organization is interested!