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International Greens issue declaration on global warming, California Green Party charges Gov. Schwarzenegger plays "shell game in effort to cloak himself green"


SACRAMENTO (Dec. 7, 2007) - The Green Party of California joined the international Global Greens in its declaration today calling for industrialized countries to play a leading role in tackling climate change, and developing countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to curb the advance of global warming - warning that Gov. Schwarzenegger is playing a "shell game" in an effort to "cloak himself in green" while pretending to be part of the world solution.

The international Global Greens statement delivered on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) negotiations in Bali, was signed onto by more than 70 Green parties and political movements in Asia-Pacific, Africa, Europe and the Americas, calls on developed countries to commit to domestic reductions of at least 30 percent by 2020 and 80 percent by 2050, in comparison with 1990 emission levels, and urges conversion to a "low or zero carbon society."

Schwarzenegger has tried to align himself with such efforts, but although his outspoken policy of improving vehicle mileage standards has merit, his so-called "cap and trade" program to limit greenhouse gas emissions from industry "is a shell game that failed to reign in air pollution when the target was acid rain and has little chance of success now," said Wes Rolley, California member and Co-Chair of the Green Party of the U.S. EcoAction Committee.

"True long range solutions for global warming require us to focus on the building sector even more than transportation. Nearly 50 percent of green house gases arise from building operations. We need to act now to lower demand," explained Rolley.

"However, as long as we continue to elect developers like Governor Schwarzenegger, and allow development interests to fund political campaigns we will not see any will power in Sacramento to address these issues. We will not see the needed solutions coming out of Washington nor will we see them coming from Sacramento," he added.


Crescenzo Vellucci, State Press Office, 916.996.9170,
Sara Amir (Los Angeles), 310.270.7106,
Dr. Bob Vizzard (Sacramento), 916.206.8953,
Daniel Brezenoff (Southern California), 310.422.2211,
Susan King (San Francisco), 415.823.5524,

The Green Party of California
PO Box 2828
Sacramento, CA 95812
Phone: (916) 448-3437

Last updated: 12/08/2007 (BH)

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