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  Why I Became a Green  

December 2002
By Gene B. Herman

Why did I become a green...
Better did I become a green!
Was it acid rain killing lakes in the Adirondacks when I was living in upstate New York.
Was it my friend Beverly of Altamont, NY who introduced me to birds and birding on her back road farm, pointing out a pair of red tail hawks, Blondie and Dag, as she named them, mates for life, nesting in a tree on her land and fireflies filling the low lands of her yard one dark summer night... twinkling lights...Christmas in July.
Was it my friend Louise of Nantucket getting me to help her, one hot summer day dig dirt in preparation for an organic garden.
It was watching in awe a squadron of barn swallows diving and swarming after a kestrel to get it to release a stolen baby swallow...and a cardinal screeching and squabbling against a blue jay chasing it away from itıs nest in a rambling bush or stopping to listen for ten fascinated minutes to a mockingbird rapping off itıs rapacious repertoire. It was a friend giving me a book written by John Muir about Yosemite prior to my move west to California.
It was my becoming very aware of the absolute necessity of clean air, clean water, clean soil.
It was my protesting against Diablo Canyon Nuclear Facility just after my arrival in California in 1981.
It was the very loud banging outside my cabin one fall morning, upon investigation finding a pilliated woodpecker pounding away against a fallen tree stump. It was my first sighting of a great blue heron leaping to flight with giant wings, skimming along a creek bed.
It was the assassination of JFK, MLK, RFK, the insaneness of the Viet Nam war, the poetry of Ho Chi Mihn, a true patriot of revolution.
the stupidity of the Peripheral Canal It was the rape of tranquil Nantucket by greedy developers.
It was Che...and Lamumba...Allende...and Mandela, Wayne Morse and Paul Wellstone the revolution in Nicaragua Fidelito and the justice for the Palestinians.
Itıs nuclear free zones and saving the ozone.
I grow organic crops...right here in Bezerkeley I compost I recycle I love this way of living I became a green... out of necessity the democrats sold out to corporations lobbyists to greed and inept/failed leadership.
We do have a (pro) choice
Ralph Nader
dolphins...sequoias...monarch butterflies...redwoods
with peace and justice for all
go scene.
Mr. Green Gene
AKA Gene Herman

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