Proposal: June 2014 Nomination Signature and Election Strategy

Discussion/Proposal: June 2014 Nomination Signature and Election Strategy

Sponsor: Campaigns and Candidates Working Group

Background:  Prior to the adoption of Proposition 14 (“Two Two primary”) GPCA candidates for statewide office (e.g., Governor; Secretary of State) had to obtain 150 signatures from GPCA registered voters to avoid paying a filing fee as part of qualifying for a primary ballot (“signatures in lieu” of fee).  Where candidates obtained only part of those signatures, the filing fee was proportionally reduced.  Since the Primary Elections now include all candidates for each office regardless of political party, all smaller party candidates have to comply with the same requirements as candidates from the two largest parties.  This means that statewide candidates will need to obtain an estimated 10,000 signatures to avoid having to pay an estimated $3,500 filing fee.  At the June 2013 Napa Plenary, the General Assembly of Delegates agreed to a strategy to attempt to identify a slate of candidates to support during the 2014 elections.  The 10,000 Signatures project is intended to prepare for the signature gathering period in early 2014, including by identifying individuals who will “pledge” to be contacted to sign candidate petitions for GPCA statewide office candidates.  As noted below, this project could complement and support county party outreach and state fund raising efforts.

There will need to be one or more project coordinators to keep track of progress in contacting potential petition signers  Ideally, at least one local project leader will be recruited from each active GP county organization who will serve as local coordinators.  Progress reports would be included as part of the monthly CCWG teleconference.  A separate monthly teleconference related specifically to this project, possibly including liaisons from other SC/WGs, may be appropriate.  Reports as applicable would be made to the CPCA Coordinating Committee through its liaison to the CCWG and to GROW and the Finance Committee as applicable.  To the extent applicable, a liaison with the Internet Technology Committee will be needed to use and provide information from and to the GPCA registered voters database (“Nationbuilder”).  A separate designated email list may be appropriate for this project.  This project was not included in the CCWG work plan and there is no budget line for it.  Therefore it will have to run on volunteer energies and financial contributions (if needed).


Project Goals:  Provide sufficient petition signatures to allow 2014 GPCA statewide candidates to avoid paying or be reimbursed the candidate filing fee.  Engage local GP activists to assist in the project and encourage local outreach.  Recruit at least one CCWG participant from each active county GP to become active in the CCWG.  Encourage GPCA voter registration and financial donations as secondary effects.  Supplement GPCA membership database as tertiary effect.


Proposal:  Authorize (1) an email and other outreach by the GPCA to all state party members for whom the party has email and other contact information, to inform them of the opportunities for them to be involved in the signature-gathering drive to collect at least 10,000 valid signatures (which could mean gathering several thousand more than 10,000 signatures to ensure at least 10,000 valid) for each of the GPCA-endorsed candidates for statewide office; and (2) re-allocate up to $300 from the existing Campaign Support Fund budget line in the GPCA FY2013-2014 budget to go towards coordination of the signature gathering effort and empower the Campaigns and Candidates Working Group to designate its use, including for a Signature Gathering Coordinator, whose job would be to contact the county Green Parties to become involved and to learn how many signatures they've turned in, and to interact with the endorsed campaigns to learn of their progress towards the same.
References: GPCA policies regarding supporting GPCA candidates, as modified pending effects of Prop 14.  CCWG mission statement in GPCA Bylaws.  Key Values:  Grassroots Democracy; Decentralization; Sustainability.