Coordinating Committee minutes, October 3, 2011

CC Teleconference Minutes
Monday, October 3, 2011 – 7:30 p.m.
#1. Welcome and setup, roll call, quorum check
Coordinating Committee members present (14): Victoria Ashley (East Bay), Warner Bloomberg (Silicon Valley), Michael Borenstein (Central Valley, north), Sean Dodd (at-large), Sanda Everette (at-large), Mike Feinstein (Los Angeles), Barry Hermanson (San Francisco), Tim Laidman (at-large), Matt Leslie (Orange/Riverside/San Bernardino),  Jeff Quackenbush (San Diego), Michael Rubin (at-large), Alex Shantz (at-large), Lauren Sinnott (at-large), Kate Tanaka (at-large)
Coordinating Committee members not present (3):  Joe Feller (at-large),  Jim Geraghty (at-large), Dave Heller (at-large) 

Quorum: Quorum reached at 7:40 with 13/17 present: Bloomberg, Borenstein, Dodd, Everette, Feinstein, Hermanson, Laidman, Leslie, Quackenbush, Rubin, Shantz, Sinnott, Tanaka
Faciliator: Warner Bloomberg chosen by consensus
Minutes taker: Mike Feinstein chosen by consensus
Time keeper: Michael Borenstein chosen by consensus

Ashley joins call at approximately 7:50.

Process Proposal (Rubin) - add discusion of December General Assembly site
Process Proposal (Borenstein) - add discussion of why some Greens have resigned from the GPCA

Bloomberg puts published agenda to a vote, rather than accepting the proposals from Rubin and Borenstein as friendly. 

Approved by consensus, with Borenstein standing aside.

2. PROPOSAL: Change date of December Coordinating Committee meeting from Monday, December 5th to Monday, December 12th (Everette, Hermanson)

Approved by consensus

3. APPOINTMENT: CC Liaison to Media Committee  (Hermanson as Co-coordinator)

Sanda Everette approved by consensus

4. APPOINTMENT: GPCA Liaison to Secretary of State to fill vacancy until GPCA General Assembly in December/NOMINATION: GPCA Liaison to Secretary of State, subject to confirmation by the GPCA General Assembly in December (Everette/Hermanson as Co-coordinators)

Jared Laiti is the only applicant.

Yes: Ashley, Bloomberg, Everette, Feinstein, Hermanson, Laidman, Leslie, Quackenbush, Rubin, Shantz, Sinnott, Tanaka
No: Dodd 
Abstain: Borenstein

Jared Laiti appointed/nomination 11-1-1

5. PROPOSAL: Authorize public posting of Media Secretary job opening/job description, with a job hire no earlier than after the General Assembly has authorized the funding of the position for the remainder of GPCA FY2011-2012 (Feinstein) 

Process Proposal (Bloomberg): Extend time for five minutes

Approved by consensus

Proposal revised in light of comments (Feinstein)

- applicants will send their applications to the CC Liaison to the Media Committee

- the notice of job opening for Media Secretary will contain the job description in Article I of the contract and the compensation will be offered as a basis for negotiations, but the entire draft contract will not be included in the job announcement

- the notice will go out through the GPCA County Contacts list and be published on the web page

- Bloomberg, Feinstein and Quakenbush are directed to incorporate text about equal opportunity and similar standard content to the job announcement

Approved by consensus

Tanaka left call.

6. PROPOSAL: Modification of Contract of Managing Director (Everette, Feinstein, Hermanson) 

Proposal: That Independent Contractor Agreement for Managing Director between the Green Party of California ("GPCA") and Marnie Glickman be amended as follows:

1) October 10th is changed to December 12th in these two places in the contract

Independent Contractor Agreement for Managing Director

This Agreement is made between Green Party of California ("GPCA") and Marnie Glickman for the period between June 7th and October 10th.


V. Term of Agreement

Term of service begins on June 7th, 2011. This agreement shall become effective when signed by both parties and will terminate on October 10th, 2011.

2) The following is added to II. Payment

No additional payment will be made for services performed between October 10th and December 12th.

Process Proposal (Bloomberg): Extend time for five minutes

Approved by consensus

Proposal revised in light of comments (Feinstein)

- Glickman will submit a written progress report to the November 7, 2011 Coordinating Committee meeting and appear on the teleconference to give an oral report. Glickman will submit a written progress report to the December 3-4 General Assembly.

Yes: Ashley, Bloomberg, Dodd, Everette, Feinstein, Hermanson, Laidman, Quackenbush, Shantz, Sinnott, 
No: Borenstein, Leslie, Rubin 
Abstain: none

Approved 10-3-0

7. PROPOSAL: Approval of draft agenda for December General Assembly (Agenda Committee) 

Proposal revised in light of comments (Feinstein)

- November 7, 2011 Coordinating Committee will address issue of adding approval of minutes from previous General Assembly and the confirmation of a new Treasurer to the agenda

Approved by consensus, with Borenstein standing aside.

8. PROPOSAL: Approve Coordinating Committee Draft Budget II FY2011-2012 (Feinstein) 

Proposal: That the Coordinating Committee submit the following budget and income and expense narrative to the Finance Committee and Budget Committee.

General Assembly: $2,200
Coordinating Committee Retreat: $300
Total $2,500

Expense Narrative:

The proposed Coordinating Committee FY2011-2012 Part II budget contains standard annual costs associated with GPCA General Assemblies and Coordinating Committee retreats. In Part II these are projected to be up to $2200 for a Spring 2012 General Assembly and $300 for a Winter 2012 Coordinating Committee Retreat. General Assembly costs will include venue, food, note taker ($250), video tapes ($100) and the Friday night CC dinner ($100). The CC retreat is projected to cost up to $300 for venue and food.

Income Narrative:

Income of $2,200 is projected to balance the amount budgeted for General Assembly expenses. Traditionally the General Assembly registration fee is set to at least cover the costs, and choice and cost of venue is tied to anticipated attendance. Registration fees in recent years have been between $40 and $45 including lunch both days.

Amendment (Bloomberg): add $500 to travel subsidy fund.  Amendment accepted.  Proposal as amended:

General Assembly: $2,200
Coordinating Committee Retreat: $300
Travel Subsidy to General Assembly $500

Total $3,000

Approved by consensus.

9. PROPOSAL: Approve revision to Coordinating Committee Internal Procedures - Article I: Co-Coordinators and Article II Work Plan and Long Term Agenda Planning (Laidman, Quakenbush) (fifteen minutes)

Proposal revised in light of comments (Laidman, Quakenbush): put approval of Article I and Article II  up for an on-line discussion through Sunday, October 9, followed by a one week vote.

Yes: Ashley,  Everette, Feinstein, Laidman, Quackenbush, Sinnott, 
No: Bloomberg, Borenstein, Dodd, Hermanson, Leslie, Shantz
Abstain: Rubin 

Not approved 6-6-2

Items not heard for a lack of time

10. PROPOSAL: Vote to put approval of Coordinating Committee Internal Procedures Article III Meetings up for a on-line discussion through Sunday, October 9th followed by a one week vote. (Laidman/Quakenbush) 

11. DISCUSSION: Process for clarifying active counties for purposes of GA delegate apportionment (Everette)

12. DISCUSSION: Green 2012/GPCA priorities Initiative  (Dodd/Everette/Hermanson )