Coordinating Committee minutes, March 5th, 2018

Submitted by Stephen Zollman, on March 29, 2018 ~ 8:00 pm.

March 5th, 2018
7:30PM to 9:30PM


(01) Roll call (2 min)
There are currently 22 committee members. This means quorum is a simple majority of 12.

Victoria Ashley, Alternate Co-Coordinator
Doug Barnett
Marla Bernstein
June Brashares
Eric Brooks
Deatra Cohen
Susan Chunco
Maxine Daniel, Co-Coordinator
Angelica Duenas
Sanda Everette
Mike Feinstein
Sadie Fulton
Bert Heuer, Co-Coordinator
Tarik Kanaana
Eric Luna
Ann Menasche
Mike Murphy
Mimi Newton
Ajay Rai
Erik Rydberg
Laura Wells
Stephen Zollman, Alternate Co-Coordinator

Present (18) - Victoria Ashley, Doug Barnett, Marla Bernstein, Susan Chunco, Deatra Cohen, Mica Daniel, Angelica Duenas, Sanda Everette, Mike Feinstein, Sadie Fulton, Bert Heuer, , Mike Murphy, Tarik Kanaana. Mimi Newton, Laura Wells, and Stephen Zollman.

Absent (2) – June Brashares, Ajay Rai and Ann Menasche.

Quorum at 7:35 pm.

(02) Roles (2 min)
Facilitator: Mica Daniels
Minutes taker: Stephen Zollman
Time keeper: Eric Brooks
Vibes Watcher: Susan Chunco

Approved by consensus.
(03) Approval of agenda (2 min)
*Sponsor*: Mica Daniel, Bert Heuer
*Proposal*: Approve the agenda (version II sent to CC on 3/5/18 at 4:19 pm).

Questions & concerns-
Mike Feinstein stated that item 8 does not require a decision and Item 9 does not require a discussion.

Eric Brooks addressed the need for his late item, Uberconference. Mimi recommended that it be placed after item 10 and left as a discussion item.
Approved by consensus
(04) Decision: Approval of prior month's Minutes (2 min)
*Sponsor*: Bert Heuer, Mica Daniel.

*Proposal*: Approve the minutes for the February 5, 2018, CC Meeting.

Mike Feinstein stated that the minutes should not contain narratives and had concerns about the SGA bylaw amendment. Mimi agreed to talk with June about the internal procedures. Eric Brooks requested that if there are minute taking guidelines, that they be produced so as to avoid prolonged discussions about their approval in the future.


(05) Announcement: Consent Calendar (2 min)

*Sponsor*: Co-Coordinator

*Background and Purpose*: The consent calendar is intended to pass non-controversial items or items consensed prior to the actual meeting. Any item may be objected to and that item will be placed at the end of the evening's agenda.

*Proposal*: Accept the following committee reports for inclusion into the meeting minutes

The following Committee/Working Group reports were submitted and will be included into the meeting minutes:

Bylaws (Appendix A)

CCWG (Appendix B)

Clearinghouse (Appendix C)

ERWG (Appendix D)

Finance (Appendix E)

Fundraising (Appendix F)

GROW (Appendix G)

The following committees did not send reports:




Campaign Funding Support

State Meeting Planning

Approved by consensus.


(06) Decision (Late Item): Appoint Rodolfo Cortes Barragan (Los Angeles County) to the Media Committee (5 min)

*Sponsor*: Eric Brooks, San Francisco County

*Background and Purpose*: Rodolfo Cortes Barragan is applying to the Media Committee per his application below.

*Proposal*: That the CC discuss and make a decision on Rodolfo Cortes Barragan’s application to be appointed to the Media Committee.

Mike Feinstein stated that he was unqualified in that he had not attended the required number of past SGAs. Laura stated that he at Sacramento and appointed late morning.

Approved by consensus.


(07) Decision: Re-appoint Tim Laidman (Contra Costa County) to the Finance Committee (5 min)

*Sponsor*: Victoria Ashley, Solano County

*Background and Purpose*: Tim Laidman is re-applying to the Finance Committee per his application below.

*Proposal*: That the CC discuss and make a decision on Tim Laidman’s application to be appointed to the Finance Committee.

Victoria stated that he has been on the committee for the last five to six years. Erica Brooks expressed concern given his handling of Ann’s re-apppointment and the fact that he has been censored in the past. Mimi expressed concerns about his lack of cooperation on SGV voting matters. Tim was able to dial in and spoke to his qualifications. Mike Feinstein stated that Tim put forth a bylaw interpretation in reference to Ann, thought people had their passwords and got the budgets in on time.

There were other stated concerns but a time for the matter ended and as Eric was not able to stand aside on his concerns, a vote was held. Eleven no, one abstain, six yes. Proposal fails.


(08) Decision: Budget Committee Appointments (15 min)

*Sponsor*: Victoria Ashley, Solano County

*Background and Purpose*: It is time to begin making appointments to the Budget Committee. The Budget Committee is composed of at least 2 CC members outside of the liaison to the Finance Committee. Last year Mike Murphy and Susan Chunco participated. The budget will be completed by April 28th, 2018 to have enough time to be distributed before the June 9-10th General Assembly.

*Proposal*: For 2 CC members to volunteer to participate on the Budget Committee.

*References*: (See Appendix H):

Discussion was had and it was determined that two more people are needed from the coordinating committee. Eric Luna and Laura volunteered. They were appointed by concensus.


(09) Decision: Publishing Upcoming Regular CC and GPUS Delegation Elections (5 min)

To publish a Call for Candidate Submissions to the active County Organizations, for candidates for the 6 male and 6 female Coordinating Committee seats, the ten GPUS Delegate seats and the seven GPUS Alternate Delegate seats, all for terms running from July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2020. The Coordinating Committee should also advise the General Assembly Planning Committee that time will be needed for candidate statements during the upcoming General Assembly (June 9 - 10, 2018) in San Joaquin County.

*Sponsor*: Mimi Newton, Marin County

*References*: Appendix I

Mimi will amend language and submit at a later time.


(10) Decision: Bylaws Interpretation for eligibility of non-binary gender candidates (10 min)

For Greens who identify as non-binary gender to be eligible to be candidates for election to the GPCA CC.

*Sponsor*: June Brashares, Sonoma County

*Proposal*: For the CC to pass the following Bylaws interpretation:

*Reference*: Appendix I (also)

Stephen made the proposal in June’s absence and stressed the need to make our language as welcoming as possible for our trans brothers and sisters. Mike Feinstein stated that the whereas paragraph needs to reference our current bylaw language. Stephen agreed to work on the second paragraph with others and re-submit.

Paragraph two was adopted by consensus.


(11) Decision: Bylaws Interpretation: Endorse Initiative to Address Commercial Property Loophole in Prop 13 (10 min)

*Sponsor*: Mike Feinstein

*Background and Purpose*: The GPCA is on record supporting closing the commercial property loophole. This is to reserve space on the March 5 CC agenda for a bylaws interpretation to enable the CC to endorse this ballot measure. The text will be send before the March 5 meeting.

*Proposal*: TBD

*Reference*: Appendix J

Mike Feinstein explained the history and how currently commercial property does not get re-assessed like private property does. Mica had concerns that she might need more time to research this issue but stood aside. Proposed passed by concensus.


(12) Decision: Update IT Roster (10 min)

*Sponsor*: Laura Wells, Alameda County

*Background and Purpose*: This item will be CC members providing names of all known recipients of GPCA email addresses and GPCA telephone messages. Input is also welcome via email in advance of the meeting. Any other additions or corrections to the IT Roster are also requested. This item will include a request that others be added as recipients where needed.

*Proposal*: Update IT Roster, including recipients, archivists, and list admins of emails such as

*Reference*: Appendix K

Mike stated that he has problems with e-mail archives and that Ajay has to manually re-set. Laura agreed to delay this as a decision item.


(13) Decision: Remove Access to GPCA Assets Currently in the Possession of Former Committee Members (10 min)

*Sponsor*: Erik Rydberg, Humbolt County

*Background and Purpose*: Recent violations of GPCA Bylaws

Example: Violation of IT Committee Bylaws Article 3-1.5 The Contact Data Base shall not be utilized for personal political work by those with access to it.

*Proposal*: The Coordinating Committee must test for consensus to remove all former Committee Members Access to GPCA Assets immediately to ensure further violations don’t occur.

Mike stated that IT is responsible just for facilitating tech assistance and that content comes from the committees. He stated Burt is co-chair of IT and that Ajay has already provided this information. He stated he is happy to do whatever is needed but that the committee needs to direct him. Eric R stated that all passwords need to be turned over to Victoria and Eric B.

Meeting adjourned at 9:30pm.