Draft agenda of the May 2019 General Assembly, San Francisco
May 18-19, 2019
Saturday, May 18th
8:00 am Breakfast, registration
8:00 am Breakfast, registration
Facilitators: Yahmo Ahqha & June Brashares
Timekeeper: David Bond
Notetaker: Mimi Newton
9:00 am Opening, delegate orientation, announcement of Standing Committee vacancies
9:25 am Quorum Count
9:30 am Agenda approval
9:45 am Confirmation of Jared Laiti as the Liaison to the Secretary of State. (Coordinating Committee)
Section 4-7 Liaison to the Secretary of State: The Liaison to the Secretary of State is the official contact of the GPCA with the California Secretary of State. The term of the Liaison shall be two years, beginning in odd numbered years. The Liaison shall be nominated by the Coordinating Committee, and subject to confirmation by the General Assembly. Coordinating Committee members are not eligible to serve as Liaison to the Secretary of State. The Coordinating Committee shall immediately fill any vacancy in the office of Liaison, subject to confirmation by the next meeting of the General Assembly.
10:00 am Decision: Confirmation of Ruscal Cayangyang as Treasurer for the 2019-2021 term (Coordinating Committee)
Section 4-6 Treasurer: The Treasurer shall have the duties and responsibilities as defined in the Fiscal Policy. The term of the Treasurer shall be two years, beginning in odd-numbered years. The Treasurer shall be nominated by the Coordinating Committee and subject to confirmation by the General Assembly. Coordinating Committee members are not eligible to serve as Treasurer. The Coordinating Committee shall immediately fill any vacancy in the office of the Treasurer, subject to confirmation by the next meeting of the General Assembly.
10:15 am Presentation: Coordinating Committee candidates for FY 2019-2021 make statements
10:35 am Presentation: GPUS Delegation delegate and alternate candidates for FY 2019-2021 make statements
10:55 am Discussion: Preparing Politically for 2020. (San Diego County)
Presenter: Rick Greenblatt.
The Green Party at every level (national, state, and local) will face serious challenges as we approach the 2020 election season. In addition to the usual issues we face as a small party in a fundamentally flawed and undemocratic electoral system, there will be special challenges in 2020, including the likelihood that Trump will run again and that the Democrats will advance some as-yet-unknown version of the Green New Deal. We need to prepare ourselves not only organizationally, but also politically if we have a realistic expectation of coming out of 2020 stronger than we came in.
The discussion will be motivated by the presenter as a set of questions that we need to consider, including, for example:
What are our most important objectives for 2020?
How can we develop a strategic perspective to help guide us in successfully realizing these goals?
What should be the principal aspects of such a perspective?
How does ecosocialism fit into our perspective?
What are the major strengths that we can bring forward to advance this perspective?
What are the major obstacles that we will face in realizing this perspective; how can we work to overcome them?
11:55 am Announcements
12:00 pm Lunch
Facilitators: Sanda Everette & Tarik Kanaana
1:30 pm Reconvene
1:35 pm Breakout sessions for committees and working groups (CCWG, ERWG, Bylaws, ATDWG)
2:50 pm Reconvene, Quorum count (if any confirmations are to be done in next session)
2:55 pm Confirmation: Standing Committee and Working Group Co-Coordinators
3:00 pm Decision: Proposal: Platform Amendments. (Platform Committee)
Proposal: Platform Plank: Recycling plank.
Proposal: Platform Plank: Toxic Wastes plank.
3:45 pm "The total campaign package"/Greens Tool Kit
A Training Workshops by the Activist Training & Development WG
5:15 pm Reconvene
5:20 Announcements
5:30 pm Dinner on your own (host committee providing recommendations),
GPUS Delegation meeting during dinner
7:30 pm Evening Gathering
Sunday, May 19
8:00 am Breakfast, registration
Facilitators: Nassim Nouri & David Bond
Timekeeper: Mark Adams
9:00 am Convene, Quorum count
9:05 am Proposal: Approval of Next General Assembly Meeting Date and Place (Coordinating Committee)
9:20am Discussion: Growing the party by running candidates. (GROW)
Presenters: Anthony Krzywicki, Shannel Pittman, and Laura Wells.
The question is always asked on how do we continue to grow as a party and what can we do? In our experience, the most effective way to do this is to make sure we have candidates carrying a strong Green message within their campaign platform. We will talk about how each county could hold themselves accountable to running candidates for various offices.
10:15 am Breakout sessions for committees and working groups (Media, Green Issues, Platform, IT)
11:30 am Reconvene
11:35 am Two concurrent sessions:
I. Women’s Caucus meeting.
II. Organizing around Improved Medicare for All.
Presenter: Barry Hermanson
12:20 am Announcements
12:25 pm Lunch
Facilitators: Mica Daniels & Rohan Sabins
Timekeeper: Shannel Pittman
1:25 pm Reconvene
1:30 pm Breakout sessions for committees and working groups (Finance, GROW, Clearinghouse, Fundraising)
2:45 pm Effective Communication: A Training Workshop by the Activist Training & Development WG
4:15 pm Closing session