Coordinating Committee minutes, July 7, 2014

Coordinating Committee members present (16): Victoria Ashley, Marla Bernstein, Susan Chunco, David Curtis, Maxine Daniel, Gladwyn d'Souza, Sanda Everette, Mike Feinstein, Marnie Glickman, Parker Jean, Sasha Karlik, Tim Laidman, Jesse Moorman, Alex Shantz, Candice Yamaguchi, Rich Zitola

Coordinating Committee members not-present (1): Shamako Noble

Observers (invited) (1): Doug Barnett, GPCA Treasurer
Quorum: Quorum reached at 7:33 pm with eight (9) present: David Curtis, Gladwyn d'Souza. Sanda Everette, Marnie Glickman, Parker Jean, Tim Laidman, Jesse Moorman, Alex Shantz, Candice Yamaguchi
Marla Berstein joined call at 7:34
Maxine Daniel joined call at 7:34
Rich Zitola joined call at 7:34
Mike Feinstein joined call at 7:35
Sasha Karlik joined call at 7:40
Susan Chunco joined call at 7:52
Victoria Ashley joined call at 8:13

2) Roles

Facilitator: Alex Shantz
Minutes taker: Mike Feinstein
Time keeper: Maxine Daniel 
Vibes Watcher:  Tim Laidman 

3) Approval of Agenda 

Proposal (Feinstein): Move item #11 Decision: Recognition of new County Council in Santa Barbara (Feinstein) to #6
Proposal (Shantz): Approve agenda as proposed, with the move of item #11
Approved by consensus at 7:37

4) Decision: Appproval of Minutes from May 5 Coordinating Committee meeting

Approved by consensus at 7:38

5) Discussion: Welcome recently elected CC members 

Heard from Curtis, Feinstein, Glickman, Souza

6) Decision: Recognition of the County Council of the Green Party of Santa Barbara County

Proposal (Feinstein): That the appointed new County Council members of the Green Party of Santa Barbara County Be Recognized - Marcelo Mendez and John Foran

Approved by consensus at 8:14 with one stand aside (Daniel - concerned are making an exception on the bylaws and setting a bad precedent)

7) Discussion: Roles and responsibilities of CC members (Laidman, Shantz)

Laidman and Shantz detailed needed tasks and open positions on Standing Committee and Working Group

8) Appointments to Platform Committee

Joe Fulgaro and Jesse Moorman had submitted their applications before the meeting
Appointment: Joe Fulgaro
Approved by consensus
Appointment: Jesse Moorman
Approved by consensus

9)  Appointments of Liaisons to Committees

Nomination (Laidman): Susan Chunco, Finance Committee
Appointment: Susan Chunco

10) Decision: Volunteer Coordination responsibilities when we have no staff (Laidman) 

Laidman detailed needed tasks and open positions. No decisions were sought 

11) Report: Update on our GPCA amicus brief in Rubin v. Bowen (Feinstein)

Feinstein reported on how past Green success in non-partisan elections can be used to benefit the amicus brief.

12)  Discussion: Review of County Council reporting (Feinstein)

Discussion occurred about getting the notice out about the GA's Bylaws Interpretation and responsbility was taken, with the idea that the same two weeks to respond would be included in the notice.

13) Report: Treasurer (Barnett)

Barnett gave his report on GPCA Finances.

14) Report: Committees  

Reports heard from committees

A) Bylaws (Feinstien in lieu of Ashley)
B) Clearinghouse (Feinstein)
C) Finance (Laidman) 
D) Media (Everette) 
E) Platform (none present to make report) 
F) Information Technology Committee (Laidman)
G) Campaign Fund Support Committee (no report)
E) Fundraising Committee (Laidman)

15) Report: Working Groups

Reports heard from committees

Campaigns and Candidates (Moorman)
Electoral Reform (no report)
Green Issues (Shantz) 
Grassroots Organizing (Shantz)