General News

Orange County Green city council candidate leads call for Civilian Police Oversight in Fullerton

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Jane Rands calls for Civilian Police Oversight in Fullerton

Why the Green Party Endorses Proposition 34

The Green Party has unconditionally opposed capital punishment since the party started. Non-violence is one of our key values, and opposition to the death penalty is a key part of our state and national platform, and the Global Greens Charter.

Why the Green Party Takes No Position on Proposition 35

The Green Party took a position of ‘no position’ on Prop 35 because despite Prop 35’s strong points, and the immense need to address human trafficking, there were some provisions of Prop 35 party members were not comfortable voting into law.

Why the Green Party Opposes Proposition 31

The Green Party believes that the state needs comprehensive reform of its tax and budgeting processes. That is what Prop 31 attempts to do, by combining a series of broad reforms to the powers of local government, the state legislature and the Governor.  

However the Green Party opposes Prop 31 based upon its content, seeing it as unconditionally accepting of an austerity approach to governing, rather than suggesting alternatives to it.


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