Add already approved GPCA Endorsement Procedures to GPCA Rules and Procedures

SPONSOR: Campaigns and Candidates Working Group

PRESENTER: ---------
SUBJECT: Add already approved GPCA Endorsement Procedures to GPCA Rules and Procedures
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The June 2006 Ventura General Assembly passed a GPCA Endorsements procedure for General and Primary elections. But it never made it onto the GPCA web page into any of the party's rules documents.  Now that the GPCA has a distinct set of Rules and Procedures, this proposal would add to them a General Election section, by taking the 2006 text and editing it for brevity and to fit the formatting of the Rules and Procedures.  Text governing Primary Election endorsements would be deferred for later consideration, given the uncertainty around the duration and effects of Proposition 14, and the fact that its too late to deal with it this year and there are no statewide Green candidates anyways.
PROPOSAL: That the GPCA Rules and Procedures be amended to add the following text
Article III Candidate Endorsement Procedures
Section 3-1 General Elections
3-1.1 The GPCA may endorse Green Party members who are General Election candidates for the following offices:
3-1.1(a) Partisan statewide constitutional offices (Governor, Lt. Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, Treasurer, Controller, Insurance Commissioner)
3-1.1(b) Non-Partisan statewide constitutional offices (Superintendent of Education)
3-1.1(c) State Board of Equalization
3-1.1(d) U.S. Senate
3-1.2 The GPCA shall not make any endorsements of General Election candidates who are not Green Party members.
3-1.3 Whenever possible, the GPCA shall make its endorsements by bringing the matter before the General Assembly. Where it is not possible, the decision may be brought before the GPCA through County Polling. The Coordinating Committee is not empowered to make candidate endorsements on behalf of the GPCA.
3-1.4 The GPCA shall not consider endorsements for General Election candidates for other offices, leaving such endorsements to the county level. County organizations are encouraged to develop their own standards and procedures for endorsing such candidates. The endorsement of a County Organization shall not imply GPCA endorsement. 
COMMITTEE DECISION: Agreed by consensus on CCWG February 22nd Conference call.
TIMELINE: Effective upon adoption.
RESOURCES:  Web page updated to reflect amended text
REFERENCE:  Attached copy of endorsement policy approved in 2006
GPCA CANDIDATE ENDORSEMENT POLICY FOR GENERAL ELECTIONS (approved by the GPCA General Assembly, June 25, 2006, 43-6-2)
1. The GPCA may endorse Green Party members who are General Election candidates for the following offices:
A. Partisan statewide constitutional offices (Governor, Lt. Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, Treasurer, Controller, Insurance Commissioner)
B. Non-Partisan statewide constitutional offices (Superintendent of Education)
C. State Board of Equalization
D. U.S. Senate
2. The GPCA shall not make any endorsements of General Election candidates who are not Green Party members.
3. Whenever possible, the GPCA shall make its endorsements by bringing the matter before the General Assembly, taking into account agenda distribution deadlines and other relevant procedural issues.
4. Where it is not possible to bring the decision before the General Assembly, the decision may be brought before the GPCA through a polling of the Counties.
5. The GPCA CC is not empowered to make these decisions on behalf of the GPCA.
6. Other than for the offices mentioned above, the GPCA will not consider endorsements for Green Party members who are General Election candidates for other offices, leaving the question of endorsement to the local/regional level.
7. These are policies of the GPCA. County organizations and locals are encouraged to develop their own procedures and standards for endorsing or otherwise evaluating local candidates. The endorsement(s) of a county organization or local shall clearly indicate that it is an endorsement of that local or county organization.
GPCA CANDIDATE ENDORSEMENT POLICY FOR PRIMARY ELECTIONS (approved by the GPCA General Assembly, June 25, 2006, by consensus)
1. Except in extraordinary circumstances, the GPCA will not endorse candidates in contested Green Party primaries. To establish if such extraordinary circumstances exist, the following process shall apply:
A. The GPCA CC must approve a statement of findings, that would clarify what are the extraordinary circumstances and their significance for the GPCA.
B. If such a statement of findings is approved by the GPCA CC, an endorsement proposal would be brought before the GPCA.
2. Whenever possible, these endorsements shall be made by bringing the matter before the General Assembly, taking into account agenda distribution deadlines and other relevant procedural issues.
3. Where it is not possible to bring these endorsements before the General Assembly, the decision may be brought before the GPCA through a polling of the Counties.
4. The GPCA CC is not empowered to make these decisions on behalf of the GPCA.
5. This procedure applies to Primary Elections for the following offices:
A. Partisan statewide constitutional offices (Governor, Lt. Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, Treasurer, Controller, Insurance Commissioner)
B. Non-Partisan statewide constitutional offices (Superintendent of Education)
C. State Board of Equalization
D. U.S. Senate
6. These are policies of the GPCA. County organizations and locals are encouraged to develop their own procedures and standards for endorsing or otherwise evaluating local candidates. The endorsement(s) of a county organization or local shall clearly indicate that it is an endorsement of that local or county